MotivationalPastor Sam Adeyemi

Many People Are Not Serving The God Of The Bible– Pastor Sam Adeyemi

If poverty or your challenge tempt you to break the terms of the covenant and you now begin to pray and to beg for the benefits of the covenant. You are wasting your time!

Part of the puzzle I see in our environment. I see that many people serve a very weak God, not the God of the Bible. If after entering into a Covenant with God, you need to scheme to make some little 5,000 naira, some 50,000 naira, and some 210,000 naira just to be able to cover your bill and all of that and you call yourself a CHRISTIAN, you can’t trust God to meet your needs while you stay in with the truth. The God that you say that you serve is a very weak God.

If you have to mix anything else, with this God that you say you serve, he’s a weak God indeed. The God of the Bible does not need your help, He’s capable to fulfill His promises. He has never lied before, and he is now not going to lie when it’s your turn.

When you are in a Covenant with God, no force, no being, whether spirit or human, no system, no government invented by man can ever stop the fulfillment of God promises in your life.

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