Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman || How People Die In The Spirit. The Death That Brings Glory.

Apostle Joshua Selman: How people die in the spirit. The death that brings glory.

There is a law in the spirit. When you see a man in the spirit, what becomes  your highest priority is what is reflected out of your spirit man. You truly become a spiritual man when you reflect the Christ. The degree to which self is absent is the degree to which you have become spiritual.

So, men in their pursuit for meaning and whatever, have all kind of things schedule in their heart. Genuine sincere desires.
Some of you, VISA
Some of you, MARRIAGE
Some of you, CHILDREN
Some of you, EDUCATION
These are not wrong desires..

When God comes, and you say, “God, I love you”. Let me tell you what He does, He will not force you because He’s not a demon spirit but He’s going to lead you to a path in the spirit where you give him access to begin a replacement system. That means, He begins to dethrone all those things that have become your obsession above Him. He does not have problem with them, it is the position they have kept Him in your life that He’s fighting.

God does not just want to be in your heart, as number what?
There are people who have Jesus in their heart but He’s number eighty one. So, He’s not just interested in being in your heart, He must be your highest priority.

He does not do it by fighting you, He does it by allowing every one of those things to try to be Him, they will fail one by one until….
He does not make them fail, they could not have been God in your life. So, in the presence of real life situation, your boasting in your finances or your job or your education, a day will come in your life, it will fail you. And that is the day He will say, this is what I’m saying. Anything that was not creator, can not be God.

One by one, sunday after sunday, death begins to happen to you. And you see, the more that process of dethroning happens, the more glory begins to manifest in your life.
The lighter you are in the spirit, yet the heavier you are, because you get to a point where you are not afraid of losing things again. That is the level where death is almost finish within you. You are not irresponsible but you know that if God places any demand on your life, your answer is “yes sir”.

Many people claim and brag about spirituality. Spirituality is not about longevity in church. Let’s see what you can give and let’s see what you have laid down. Jesus the spiritual, demonstrated spirituality not just by miracles, He laid down everything including His life. What you laid down is proof of spirituality.

Many people do not see the power of God because they are not manable enough, they have not learnt the excellency of death unto Christ.
”Wherefore God has so highly exalted Him”, but what happened is that, He died first.

Many of us come to God, full of our ambitions and our desires. Nothing wrong with that, but we just come to use God, so that He will help us archive our goals, then when we archive our goals, we push Him away and say, “God, if I do need you as I go through life, make sure you are available for me to call you again”. Unfortunately,  it does not work that way.

The way of power. You want to lay hands on the sick and have the sick healed. No, God is not a herbalist.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can read it in your bible “they shall lay hands on the sick”.
The problems is not the scripture, the problem is that the hand that is being laid is not yet dead. And so, life can not come out because Paul said “death works in us, so that life can work in you”.

It is not the scripture that is wrong. You want to speak over destinies and have the heavens open over them? Ladies and gentlemen, hear me, is beyond just good English. You can learn all the good English, but there is life that comes out of death.
Let me see where your desires are, and I can tell you whether you are joining correctly with the Spirit.
Nothing is wrong with seeking to be empowered financially..
Nothing is wrong with seeking a good life..
But your utmost priority, your cry and your desire, when God’s heartbeat becomes your heartbeat, when His desire becomes your desire, not as a man of God, but as one who loves Him, that there is absolutely nothing you can not lay down for Him.
No man has the power to get to that stage, no matter how yielded you are, if you ever claimed you got there by yourself, is proof that you lied. You met a familiar spirit!

Only God can take men. So, here is what He said, “Abraham, I want to lead you to a path that brings glory, but take your son, your only son”.
If you are a believer and you have walk with God and He has never placed a demand on something heavy over your life, it is either that instruction is coming or is not God you are following. One day, there will be a demand. Am not talking of money, am talking about your life.

Apostle, but I keep sensing that I’m one of these end time vessels that will be carrying the healing anointing. My brother, until you are a spiritual man, you will not be able to host that glory. That glory will kill you on your own, if it comes upon you without dying.
Most people don’t really know what is on a vessel that produces these wonders, that your eyes can not see. It is not just oil. No!
If God opens your eyes to see a truly anointed man in the spirit, you are going to see a radiance of glory, is like a garment and those garments are in weights and the weights of those garment determines the command, the things that happens in the physical.

When Jesus was transfigured, He showed us His spirit man, pure light. That’s what He saw.
Is beyond sermons. You are a spiritual man beyond the degree to which you die.
To die to ambition does not mean to shelve them. No!
What it mean is to enthrone Christ until there is nothing higher than Him in your heart, higher than Him in your life, higher than Him in your destiny. That is the realm of power.
When you can get to that stage in the spirit, I tell you, you will command power in a way that you will shut down the gate of nations.

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