Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman || Two Scriptural Ways To Remedy The Issues Of Time.

Apostle Joshua Selman: There are two ways that God helps a man, who has wasted time.

1. Restoration.

2. Speed.

These are the two ways that God helps a man.
When your case is an emergency in the spirit, God helps you by giving you both. Both restoration and speed.

Restoration does not mean to go back in time, No. God carries the event that was schedule  to have happened in your yesterday and brings it for you into your today.
Speed is your rate of accomplishment per unit time.

For those of you who watch movies and you use a video remote or your phone, there is a device there that helps you to regulate those motion pictures. There is something called rewind, play, fast forward, in fact, there is something called stop.
There are times that the movie is playing and you may run to use the restroom and you just miss a very important part of the movie and because of it, you will be confuse whatever else you are watching. You have an advantage,  you can press something called rewind and go back again as if you never missed the time and watch what you would have watch.

 Unfortunately, that only works like that for a movie. In life, you can’t go back, but there is one who controls time. God Himself.
God can restore things and God can restore years. And the way God restores years is that He takes what should have happened yesterday to have been an advantage for your today. And He fast forwards it, and replicate that sceneries back into your today.

For instance, if you were to have met a destiny helper in 2020 and by prophesy,  that helper would have helped you, helped your children  and by carelessness, lack of discernment or demonic orchestration, that destiny helper is out of your life. He didn’t even come in.
Let me tell you what God does, provided that man is still alive, God will still reschedule that meeting again.

Let’s talk about speed.

What is speed? Accelerated accomplishments within a short period of time. I’m defining speed with respect to destiny actualization.

When we are able to do much within per unit time. Example, let’s say we are in October, imagine with me, let me paint a picture for you. That by now to December, someone can give you a house literally. Or from now to December, you will find one man that is equivalent to thirty people in your life and that man will say, “I was sent by God to lift you”. Is called SPEED.

Genesis 27
Here is Isaac about to bless his sons, so that he will depart and then, Isaac calls unto Esau and said, Esau, you are my son, go and make me game, such as my soul delights in, so that I can bless you and then I would die.
And while that discussion is happening, the bible tells us that Rebekah, the mother of both Jacob and Esau, was listening to the conversation and as soon as she heard that, the bible said, Esau went. Esau was diligent, productive, Esau was not lazy. He(Esau) went into the field to go and catch one of these wild animals to prepare the game as his father always love.

Watch this: The mother now calls unto Jacob and said, Jacob come, something serious, something destiny defining is about to happen,  don’t miss that moment. She said, go to the back of the house. That means, Isaac request was not an issue of lack, it’s a LAW. That when you want to receive blessings truly, it comes through the platform of HONOR, not just HUNGER, not just DESIRE.

The man already has cattles at the back of his house and the mother said, “quickly, go and get one of those animal, so I can prepare for you”.
This time, Isaac is already blind, so he’s not able to see.
Then the bible said, while Esau was in the field trying to get the animal, Rebekah helped Jacob. Then he(Jacob) said, “ah… I have one issue. My elder brother is hairy and I’m not hairy. If I go to daddy, he will feel me and without hair, he will curse me”. And the mother said “don’t worry, there’s already a plan for that”.
And then she found a way of covering Jacob.

When he went to Isaac;

Genesis 27:19-20 Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game so that you may give me your blessing.” Isaac asked his son, “How did you find it so quickly, my son?” “The LORD your God gave me success,” he replied.

This is why I arrived on time. That what my brother was looking for, God is able to bring it to me. And that is why I served you.
And the bible said, that was convincing enough. He checked him, felt the hair, and then he blessed him. And as soon as he was done blessing him, the elder brother returns back not with laziness, but no speed.
That he arrived there and Isaac asked who is this? He said I’m Esau. He(Isaac) said, “no… someone came ahead of you..

Another instance,
John 5:5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.

He never became first for thirty eight years. Not from a competitive stand point but that man was lying close(the solution was there  every year).
I’m sure after five years the man would say no problem. And time kept passing. His infirmity remained, He degenerated there.
This is one of the longest standing case recorded in the bible. We don’t know how old the man was when he got there. But add thirty eight years to his time. Stagnation and delay.

And then, when Jesus comes to him, in John 5.6-7 When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

So, men were allowed to help the people get into the water. He gave us a clue as to how others became first. There were men who helped them.
But that in his case, the reason why I was there but never got in, was I had no man.

The man at gate beautiful had men who could carry him every morning and return him, that was why he was able to see Peter and John.

It is important that you find men.

That men can be delayed, sometimes not because of a cause that they created themselves. Sometimes, it is self inflicting but sometimes, life just happens in a way and a manner that you become disadvantaged and yet, time passes and you are not able to make any use of time.
So, God comes and He gives you what other people are looking for.

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