Apostle Joshua Selman

Why People Do Not Make Consistent Progress In Their Life || Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman: Why people do not make consistent progress in their life.

  1. Lack Of Goals And Defined Expectations.

Proverb 23:18 There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Life is like a market place or a shopping mall, only one who desires to waste his time will enter a large shopping mall or a very big open market and keep roaming around, hoping that as he or she is roaming around, they will later on think of what to buy.
Usually, specially for women, what they do is that, they settle down and make a list at home of what to buy. Now, it can be adjusted when you get to the mall but nobody leaves his home expecting to be efficient and then gets to a mall and keep stirring at things and whatever it is, you will be distracted, you will waste your time, you will not even make the most efficient use of the resources you have, especially when it is limited.

So most people do not know that destiny and life is like a market place, they have no list of divine expectations. They wake up in the morning, they sleep late in the night. If they are fortunate to encounter a visionary person that day, he can give them some sense of direction with their lives, if otherwise, they continue in confusion and inefficiency.

2. Wrong Or Limiting Beliefs System.

What you believe, determines the reality that you walk in.
We have coined those believe system with all kinds of sayings; maybe sociologically acceptable but they are scripturally wrong. For instance, when someone fails, the first thing he can say is “who have I troubled that all this trouble is coming upon me”.

It may not always be trouble. I have told you, that demonic interferences are not the only limitations to the lives of people.
Let me tell you the truth. If Satan is bound today physically, kept in a location and every demons is bound kept in a location, many believers will still fail.
That is when they will know that Satan is not entirely responsible.
You have a will, and your will can determine wether you will succeed of fail. In Genesis 11, the Holy Spirit was not mentioned, satan was not mentioned, Angels where not mentioned, demons where not mentioned. Yet, there was success, there was failure.

In Genesis chapter 1, there was no generational curses, there was no family ties, there was no whatever. Adam did not come with any generational curse, he did not come with any limitations, yet he still succeeded and he still failed.
So, if you are blaming the devil for all your problem, your orientation is wrong. That itself is a limiting belief system.

3. Lack Of Values And Resourcesfulness.

You are as relevant to anyone as the value you bring to them. Our world today runs on a value-reward system. Our world today does not run on sentiment, it run on a value-reward system.
So, if there is no reward coming to you, what you need to check is your value and your resoursefulness.

As a believer, you must seek to be valuable to everyone because we have a mandate to reach people.
As a believer, you must seek to be valuable to everyone but from a reward stand point, you must focus on being valuable to those who need you and have the capacity to reward you.

4. Lack Of Wisdom.

When it has to do with destiny actualization, wisdom is five fold in it operation. There are five dimensions of wisdom according to the book of proverbs. And all of these dimensions of wisdom have mighty works that they command. There are two of this dimensions that are important for destiny actualization;

  1. Divine Direction.
  2. Divine Strategies.

These are expressions of wisdom, as far as destiny actualization is concerned.

Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

If you lack divine direction, you are as limited as the directions that comes to your life or otherwise.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsell you and watch over you.

5. Lack Of Favour With Men.

You are as prosperous as the men who believe you. You are as prosperous as the men willing to invest their credibility, invest their resources. When you have the twin combo of wisdom and favour, you become unbeatable. In addition to wisdom, press for favour.

6. Lack Of Health And Physical Fitness.

The absence of health and physical fitness.

Psalm 104:14-15 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate–bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart.

This is God commitment to your health and vitality, that he causes the cattle whose meat you will eat, he’s the one that causes the grass to come out, he make sure that everything is in  place for your health.

Every attack on your health is not about your body, is about your destiny.
Don’t pamper any situation,  reject it if it has to do with the capacity to impede your progress, it is demonic.
Mysterious headache.. it just started, you thought you were tired, but then month 1, month 2, month 3, it just kept coming. If you keep quiet, Satan proceeds further. If you don’t fight back, the fight of faith, you will see devil cripple you.

How you know that many sickness are demonic? Is because they are defying the predictions doctors have given as to when it should start.

7. Spiritual Issues.

I summarise is as spiritual issues. That includes demonic attacks, all kinds of satanic covenants and yokes.

Satan does attacks men, including the saints. He attacks with troubles, he attacks with conditions, he attacks with sickness, he attacks with diseases, he attacks with all kinds of inconveniences.
Men can be under curses, men can be under yoke, men can be victim of evil speakings, men can be victim of convenants.

Is liberty a reality in Christ? Yes it is, but not under every condition. Conditions such as this. Listen to my message “Complete Deliverance”. I teach there on the steps for accessing complete deliverance.

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