MotivationalApostle Johnson Suleman

Seven(7) Quotes By Apostle Johnson Suleman

1. There is a difference between a QUIET woman and a SILENT woman… whilst the first is a miracle, the second is a time bomb..

2. Don’t ever wrestle with a both will end up dirty but the pig will enjoy it..

3. No matter how angry the gods are, a lion cannot be used for one can take your life no matter their precedent in the act of extinction..

4. If you can trust God, he will bless you but if God can trust you, he will make you a blessing..

5. Greatness begins with a vision..healthy passion gives it motion..

6. Having wrong friends and yet expecting a great future is like building a house using inferior materials.

7. Give good counsels and advice but leave people to make their own decisions..some people never learn until they “learn lessons”..

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