MotivationalApostle Joshua Selman

Brokenness– Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman: The first sign that is an attestation of an healthy secret place, is not an anointing, in order of priority, is BROKENNESS. The level at which I see death work in you, is prove to me that you have meant God. There re things God will not allow to go back with you when you meet Him. I can know you have met God by the damage I see in your flesh.. There has to be something about that encounter!
I don’t need to look at your spirit to know if you have met God, I need to look at your flesh. If your flesh still stand against ascendance, it is not God you met. Ps 51:17

The strength of God never comes to strong people, it searches for weakness. When it comes and find you strong, it goes back and wait until the day your strength disappoints you and your weakness calls it to come. Brokenness is proof of humility!

Show me a broken man and I tell you a man who Satan can not do anything about again..

Every even thrives on pride. It is difficult for God to ignore a broken man.

Failure does not produce failure. Failure is the mother that gives birth to success, it is success that produces failure. Be careful when things begin to work because that is when you will really fail..
When the ministry is growing..
When the Grace is speaking..
When the influence is multiplying..
When the applauds are coming…


Death is by the corner..
Weakness is by the corner..

The temptation of great men is to fall down. When Satan took Jesus to the mountain, His temptation was fall down, after all, angels will hold you. The temptation of the great is to be careless and fall.

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