Myles Munroe

Myles Munroe || Understanding God’s Plan On The Earth

Myles Munroe: Gen 1:26.. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

The word image means nature. It doesn’t mean to look like, it means to have the nature or characteristic of something.
A cat nature is different from a dog nature. That means there are certain qualities that make a cat act differently from a dog, because cat has different image(nature). So it is with God desire.
Let these human, these son’s of mine, have my nature.

How do you describe the way a dog act and a cat act? One word “behaviour”. Nature always manifest in behaviour.
So, the British made us behave differently from the Cubans and we behave differently from the Asians.
The French colonized the Haiti, so they behave differently.
The Spanish colonized Cuban, so they behave differently.
The British colonized us, so we behave differently.
So, whoever colonize you, you take their BEHAVIOUR.

That’s why, if you claim to be in the Kingdom of God’s colony, we don’t want you to wear a badge to show that you are a citizen of the Kingdom. We want to see your BEHAVIOUR.
Imagine a Kingdom husband  slapping his wife–behaviour. You are misbehaving. It’s your culture not to beat your wife.
I can’t imagine a Kingdom woman nagging her husband to death. Because the constitution said, a woman tears her house down with a tongue. If she nags and complain… listen,  stop misbehaving.
The Bible says, you win your husband by a quiet spirit.

Gen 1:26.. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

The word “likeness” mean to function like. If you are in the colony of God, there is a way you behave and function. And He said, “let them have dominion, rulership over the fish, birds, the livestock and over all the earth”. That’s the colonier statement(Let them bring my influence on the planet earth). Earth is the territory that He wants to colonize through His children.

Isaiah 45:18… For this is what the LORD says–he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited–he says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.

I was thought that God passion is to get me to heaven. I was taught God wants me to leave the earth as quickly as possible and come be with Him and sing for million years to the Angels. That is not God desire.
But religion focus us on leaving earth to heaven.

Isaiah 45:18… For this is what the LORD says–he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited–he says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.

You want to abandon what God wants you to inhabit.
I(God) created this planet earth for it to be colonize.
I(God) want a colony on earth that represent and manifest and looks like heaven.

The first kingdom since Adam that reintroduced this concept of colonization was the Roman empire. That’s why God waited for 4,000years before He sent His son and His son had to come in context where the prototype was present.
Let me give you a brief of history. Rome was the powerful and still is the most impactful kingdom that ever existed on earth in humanity. They were the longest ruling kings.
 They influence the whole world as we knew it. The Roman empire ruled from Africa to London. They ruled from Africa to Wales and Scotland. All of that was Rome. They control the world from a little place that was the heel of a shoe called Italy. It rule the world without going to it.

How did the Roman empire ruled the world without Caesar going around the world? He established the philosophy of God “colonization”.
If you study the Roman empire, it’s the first place where the word “colonization” is introduced. Because the Roman empire where the first ones to rule a far place without going to it and turned it into Rome. Jesus was sent in the middle of that.
Let me make a statement you never heard before “Jesus was born in a colony”. He was born in a Roman colony called Palestine. It was not called Israel. Israel was the name of the people that was dwelling there. The place was called “Palestine”. And they were 10 cities the Roman built around it and it was called the “Decapolis” and they put the head quarter in the Mediterranean sea called “Israel” where one of that Palestine will visit from time to time but he control the whole world. And Jesus Christ was born in palestine.
Bethlehem is in a colony..
Nazareth is in a colony..
Galilee was in a colony..
Christ was born in a colony and He grew in a colony. That’s why, when He spoke, they understood what He was saying. He said “Caesar got a Kingdom, I got a Kingdom”. Ceaser wants to colonize the world, I came to colonize the earth.

To inhabit the earth, was His original desire but to do it through you(His image, spirit beings living in an earth suit) so that we can manifest the nature of God.

  1. To establish a prototype of its original country in another territory. That’s what the French did in Cuba and the Spanish did in Haiti. That’s what the British did in the Bahamas. That’s what the Portuguese did in Brazil.
    In order words, when a Kingdom take over a territory, it’s goal is to establish a prototype of that country in the territory.
     So, when you come To the Bahamas, we drive on the left hand side of the street. That’s because we have been effectively colonized by a Kingdom that drives on the left. Why do we speak English and not French, because the Kingdom that colonize us speaks English. So the prototype has to be like the Kingdom that colonize us.
  2. To manifest the culture and Lifestyle.
     A colonize goal is to manifest the culture and the lifestyle of the original Nation in the territory. In order words the goal of colonization is to make the territory live just like the head quarter country.
  3. To be an extension of the home country on another territory.
      Extension means when a Kingdom take over a territory, it doesn’t take over them and leave it by itself and expect it to be developed. They always leave someone from the Kingdom in it and their job is to impact it and teach that territory the ways, the lifestyle, the morals, the standards, and all there is about the country, so that the people learn to think and act and live and dress and eat just like the country. In order word, colonization demands that someone from the original country live among the people in the territory.

In the Bahamas,  the was a governor sent here from England, a white man who spoke English and he lived here. The kingdom make sure he lived here and the Kingdom built a house and tell him that’s your home. And his job is to make us learn kingdom language, kingdom history, kingdom attitudes, kingdom ways of eating, kingdom ways of dressing. And we ended up being just like them. We became where we are because of who colonized us.

If you want to visit the Kingdom of Britain, you don’t need to go to great Britain. Just visit the Bahamas. If you want to drive on the left street and be legal, you don’t need to go to England to do it. Just come to their extension.

That means if people wants to know how Heaven looks like, don’t send them to church, tell them observe me for the whole day. And if you want to know what Heaven looks like, you don’t have to die and leave. Just be with me all the time and I will show you what Heaven is like..
The only mind you are suppose to share around no matter how mad you get, is the mind of Christ.
That mean when people attack you, you don’t show your old behaviour nature. The Bible says do good to them who hate you and love your enemies.
We are just like people who migrate from one country to another but keep our own culture.

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