MotivationalTd Jakes

What You Could Be If Only You Are Committed || TD Jakes

TD Jakes: We go through the actions of commitment but we are not really connected, we are not really joined because we have no understanding.

We can not have true relationship without reciprocity. You can not enter relationship to get and not give..
And I want you to ask yourself, DO YOU GIVE AS GOOD AS YOU GET?
Add up what you are getting and weigh against what you are giving and then you will know whether you are really joined to anything!

People come to work, they take job….they are not committed to the job, they want the check.

If you don’t give as much as you get, it will not last.

You might had Simeon, but you have never been joined to anything… so you had anniversaries, you have got a lot of birthdays, you have got some plaques on the wall but you have never been the person that you could be because there “could be” is locked up behind commitment and until you are committed, you will never get the “could be..”

You know what I thought to myself? I thought I would hate, to live and die and never know what would happen if I ever committed myself to anything. Some people have never thrown their whole self at nothing..not at school, not at work, not at marriage, not at church. … you had one foot in and one foot out of every dream all in your life and you have never seen what you could be if you ever really connected and doing everything..

That’s what gonna make it so sad, because you never lived first, you never fully engaged, you never fully studied, you never fully invested in anything or anybody.

You want to get something that you are not willing to give.. you have never been joined!

You joined the church..
You took the job..

But you have never seen what you “could be..” IF YOU THREW YOUR WHOLE SELF AT YOUR DREAM

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