Apostle Michael Orokpo || Three Things That Manifest, When You Are On Fire For God.
Apostle Michael Orokpo: In this Kingdom when you genuinely are set on fire for God, three things must manifest in your life:
- Prayer
No man who is on fire, who does not pray like a prince. If you say you are on fire and you have not developed a robust appetite for prayer, that your fire is fake, it’s not the fire of the Holy Ghost.
See, when fire comes on your life it will eat your soul, it will literally ruin you, nothing will impress you anymore. I remember when I encountered the fire of God. I gave my life to Christ sometime around 1999 but we were just you know Christians, we started a music crew, we go to church, doing choreography, dancing you know this everyday Christianity until a woman came for a crusade in 2006 and I saw the power of God, a baptism came on me from that Crusade. When I left that meeting my God, for the next 6 months it was a taboo to meet people. You are locked in the room.
See, that’s why I tell people “the real fire is not praying and checking time, no.. the real fire is to pray and forget time when you finish you’ll be shocked”.
I went to the place of prayer on one occasion as I knelt down I saw the wall opened and light walked into me, the next time I opened my eyes I thought it was 15 minutes.. I’ve been there for more than 6 hours, I didn’t even know and the more you prayed the more you had encounters.
That fire that wakes up on your inside is what kills sin. There’s no formula for killing sin. People say they on fire, they are running up and down.. No, you don’t know fire. When you catch fire, it will show, the only language that you will understand is the language of the Holy Ghost
How do you think Paul will show up and tell the whole church I thank my God, I pray in tongues more than all of you. Do you know how many people are in that church? The guy lives praying. That’s why, when he wrote to the church in Thessalonica, in 1Thessalonians 5:19, he said pray without ceasing.
Forget this prayer that is calibrated into time. Prayer is a river, it’s a communion into the womb of Abba. The more you pray, the more you want to pray.
2. Radical Soul Winning.
Paul came into a city he was bored, he couldn’t stay in one place. He stood up, “how can I lie down here, when there are people going to hell and he started looking for opportunities to preach until he saw what was written “to the unknown God”, he started service there.
You can’t keep this thing, you can’t say you are on fire and you don’t win souls.
This is a generation where people think, is to be man of God when you stand on the stage and they don’t preach the gospel until Sunday and they are fighting for platform.. No you are not on fire!
When you on fire, you will go back to where you were ashamed of holding the Bible and you’ll start preaching from there. That’s the proof!
Those days, when people catch fire, some of them are cultist, they go back, they start preaching from the cult gang, even the cultist will know that he is genuine, if you are not genuine, they will kill you but when you caught fire, they know. They say “leave that one he done turn to man of God”, they know. People say they on fire and in one year you have won only five Souls which fire is? That fire is matches
3. Your Resources Starts Going Into God’s Kingdom.
Why do you think the early Church in Acts of the Apostles chapter 4:34, the Bible said there was none among them that lacked. It was not a miracle, it’s because those who were possessors of land without preaching sold it and brought the money so that even distribution can be made
They say you’re on fire and your resources are not in the Kingdom. They have to bring a Prosperity preacher to preach you to give, you don’t know the fire of God.
When you on fire, everything you have goes in the direction of the Kingdom.
These are the three signs that a man is on fire. Go and check the scripture everywhere there was Revival, this three things happened “prayer, soul winning and giving” you will never miss it.
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