Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman || Why Most People Find It Hard To Rise

Why most people find it hard to rise by Apostle Joshua Selman.

The memory of yesterday has such a passion to lead you into your today, so you have to obtain grace from God to cut that string that connects you to your yesterday.

There are many people who would have been doing so much for the kingdom but because of yesterday, they are unable to do it. You want to rise and yesterday will tell you that your fathers try doing it and failed, did they not try living by Divine help and still failed, so when yesterday overwhelmes you, you won’t be able to do anything.

There are many people who cannot rise up today and do great things because the voice of yesterday seems louder than the passion that drives them.

When Nathaniel heard about Jesus, he laughed and said can anything good come out of Nazareth, and was not lying because there was a track record and he was speaking based on facts.

You did ministry yesterday and you failed, you prayed for the sick and you failed, you started a business and you also failed, you went to school and failed too, the devil can use those things and impede you, he will use the voice of men and tell you that you won’t make it, Jesus is saying to you FEAR NOT.

This is one of the dangers of being around people who used to know you because they always think that the version of you they know is the version they met, they did not meet the version of you that has stayed with God, the version of you that prayed and fasted and have also received God’s anointing, because anytime your name is being mentioned, they will trace it to your past.

In the name of Jesus, every connection between you and your yesterday, I cut it off in Jesus name.

My dear rise up from your past, rise up from your yesterday and live your today because God has made a way for you.

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