When I have a sorge in income, what took most of the money away were demands from other people that
Read Moremark 16:15
When I have a sorge in income, what took most of the money away were demands from other people that
Read MorePrayer is a communication, not emotional displays. God is not moved by your tears; He is only moved when you
Read MoreHe says, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth. If you notice, He did
Read MoreIt doesn’t matter what you going through. Sometimes, there are trials, difficult days, persecutions, hard times come, the crisis of
Read MoreSatan connects you so much to the past that you can not see anything ahead any more. You think
Read MoreFor generations, people have been led to believe that the Spirit is an “it. From a thousand voices, millions of
Read More*part two detailed down how God place back Archbishop Benson Idahosa as CGMi pastor and what came about the Elder’s
Read MoreGGMi started in a storefront building along Forestry Road for Bible study sessions. They seems to have an insatiable appetite
Read MoreSome people thinks to be born again means that you change from bad to good. No! You can’t change from
Read MoreSuccess does not demand prayer and fasting, as much as engaging your sense positively. Man’s brain is the myth behind
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