TD Jakes: Jesus is the master of the sea. You remember when He was asleep on the ship? They woke
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TD Jakes: Jesus is the master of the sea. You remember when He was asleep on the ship? They woke
Read MoreTD Jakes: Women have been trained for relationships all of their life. You remember when you got the barbie and
Read MoreTD Jakes: The enemy is terrified of people that have been sanctified. He is terrified. He will set traps and
Read MoreTD Jakes: You are looking at your conditions and they may really need to change. But you cannot change your
Read MoreTD Jakes: When an individual can leave you, let them go… I don’t want you to attempt to talk someone
Read MoreTD Jakes: On your journey, it will not always be the people that you expect to bless you. Sometimes, God
Read MoreTD Jakes: There is a level in God that you can become that you learn through your trials and your
Read MoreThere is a level in God that you can become that you learn through your trials and your tests and
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